Have you ever had a skill set that was no longer an option to use? I had the privilege of riding with my 10-year-old niece on the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. I rode a horse that acted ‘green’. For those of you that are unfamiliar with that term, that represents the opposite of a quiet, broke horse. A ‘green’ horse is one a skilled or experienced rider would be able to handle. He was over all good but I forgot he was ‘green’ pulled my leg up fast to fix the bottom of my pant leg. The quick unexpected movement startled him and sent him sideways. Not bragging but sharing an example…I never lost my seat, shortened my reins as we were going sideways, and settled him down. I have some skills when it comes to staying on the back of a horse. I can be and have been dumped with the best of them too. Ha! Ha!
As for seasons of change, while I can still stay on the back of a horse, fatigued adrenal glands leave me feeling exhausted after a short one or two-hour ride. On top of feeling tired, I run the risk of adrenal crisis if the cortisol levels get too low. I do still make cortisol on a daily basis and I am thankful for that. I find myself feeling weak and tiring easier as blood work shows I do not make the extra in times of crisis. Seems one needs that extra when dealing with an unruly horse or certain aspects of training and riding. Changes…I have the skills but it is not in my best interest to use them, at least for the current time frame. Seasons of change that open doors of unplanned opportunity are hard to see looking backward.
There is beauty in different seasons. Growing up in southern Michigan we enjoyed spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each one can be enjoyed, but in different ways. Seasons require me to let go before as I move on to the next. We do not walk around in winter clothing during summer months, right? Even animals change with the seasons, loosing a summer coat and growing a winter coat. Do you know what I like best about the changing of seasons? Knowing as long as the Earth exists, a season will come around again. Why not enjoy the one I am in?
No two seasons are exactly alike. As humans we look for similarities documenting weather patterns, but the truth is no two are exactly alike. The Creator demonstrates His diversity. One can never go back, but I can look forward to how the previous season presents itself the next time around. Uniqueness abounds and who am I to bulk at that?
The last few years feel like a chicken molting. Their feathers fall out and they look pretty ugly until the new ones grow in. Seasons of change have produced the beginning of this homesteading journey. I believe there are other feathers growing in too, yet to be discovered. Stick around for the details….