Arriving, we were given the option for a horse drawn wagon ride to the rodeo arena which sat down in a little valley. I was excited for the opportunity to attend and see the action Canadian style. Five classes or events allowed teams to accumulate points for the winning title. Other awards went to the one voted top hand of the day and top horse.
Note: Be sure to click the pictures for an enlarged view
It was not stop action and the comradery between teams was evident. They sat on horseback and cheered, laughed and hung out around the arena. Much the same as one would find at any rodeo, a sport all its own.
Team Branding
A group of numbered cattle were turned into the area. As the team of 4 representing a Canadian ranch entered the arena, they were given a number specifying which was theirs to ‘brand’. One roped the head, another the heels and one dismounted to ‘brand’.
In this case it was mark on the hip instead of an actual branding iron. They had the option to carry more than one rope and any one of their team could attempt to rope.
Team Sorting
Teams were given a number determining the first cow to sort from the ‘herd’. Once that cow was across the predetermined line it needed to stay there as the team members worked to sort the next highest number cow. The cow or steer, of course, desired to rejoin the group of cattle on the other end of the arena.
The challenge was to sort as many cows as possible in the correct numbered order, while keeping the sorted cattle across the line within the allotted time frame. These four membered teams stayed busy and we all enjoyed the action.
Team Doctoring
This event represents how cowboys might go about caring for sick or injured cattle out on pasture when no head gate, corral or barn are available to restrain for treatment.
Rules: 1. Rope the cow’s head and heel(s) if need be 2. Mark the forehead with the marking stick 3) turn the cow loose. Fastest time wins.
As I stood along the arena fence I was privileged to enjoy some cowboy humor.
Announcer: "Teams remember to mark the forehead for the doctoring mark." Cowboy competitor: "Is that where we usually administer the drugs?" (back over his shoulder) (For the record:It is not.)
Have you enjoyed the first half of the rodeo? (Common question from the announcer) We are going to break for an intermission. Come back by clicking here for the second half including my favorite events: the wild cow milking and the broke horse race.