As I look back at July 2019, I cringe I have not posted on this blog. I written bits and pieces, taken pictures and shared a glimpse on Instagram and Facebook. What have I been doing?
I enjoyed time with family and took a business trip where I met up with other bloggers. I have been living a life that allows me to focus on my health.
I received my Indiana farmer’s market egg license, and NPIP recertification keeping the farm up to date. I am looking into becoming Certified Naturally Grown and still learning about the process.
I lost a pullet and six 5-week old chicks to racoons. Not everyone agrees on how to deal with predators. There are different ways to address the problem. Let’s look at a few of them. Hopefully, you will either avoid the issue all together or have a plan in place to limit the loss of life to your chickens.
- Trap and remove the predator
- Increase the strength the chicken pen
- End the predator’s life
I lost the only Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner rooster I had, but now have 2 Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner cockerals from another farm.
Meet Clinch and Cisco. Clinch the quicker of the two to be in charge, and lighter in color. Cisco, with a darker color has a sweet personality.

I took a break from hatching eggs, but I plan to start setting a few select eggs this month. A Swedish Flower Hen went broody so I have new chicks despite my break from using an incubator. This hen is three years old and this is the first time she has went broody. This is my second Swedish Flower Hen to go broody this year.

Two evenings after moving Cherokee in with his pullets from Pen # 5, I found Cherokee overheated. After working with him to cool him down, he was able to once again stand and walk with out assistance. I probably spent 30 minutes helping him. It is a good feeling to know you likely saved one. It doesn’t always turn out good working to save an animal, when it does it makes up for all the times I tried and did not.

Earlier this year I met Maddox when he and his mom picked up chicks. Fast forward to the Marshall County Fair where he showed 2 (rooster and pullet) in an exhibition class. His face when he showed me the first place and grand champion ribbons radiated his joy. I must say I was trilled for both him and the fact the chickens had hatched at CG Heartbeats Farm from a pen I had put together from chicks I had hatched here. I was seeing the fruits of my breeding program.
Farmers Markets
Culver Farmers Market located on the beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee occurs Tuesdays from 5 pm to 7 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. Bremen Farmer’s Market happens on Wendesdays from 4 pm to 7 pm.
If I am to continue attending the 3 markets, I believe I need to find additional produce/crafts to bring for the value to be worth the travel and time involved. These markets provide me a place to learn about what is selling. I also see them as a place to be creative with ideas of what a buyer might be interested in. I enjoy attending farmers markets to be clear.
Vegetables and Fruits
This year I added a new garden space with additional garlic, large, heirloom tomatoes, and a 3 sister plot, made up of glass gem popcorn, Jacob cattle beans, butternut squash, and sugar baby watermelon.
To date I have harvested the 4 varieties of garlic: Music, Montana, German, and Spanish Rojo. At the moment it is hanging to dry, but it will be available to either order online or at the local farmers markets

2019 Garlic Harvest.
I am looking forward to planning and planting even more for 2020.
These plants are heirloom, as you can save seeds from them, and they will yield the same produce year after year. Working toward increased sustainability, one of the goals at CG Heartbeats Farm, includes planting and using seeds that will reproduce themselves and are not genetically motified.
As July has been a much drier month, I have needed to start watering the plants, fruits, and garden. There is a large amount of rust in our water. I did not see a sprinkle a good option as it would spray rusty water all over the plants. I found a soaker hose and gave it a try. Another downer to the rust is that it seems to plug the holes in the soaker hose. I have at times stood with the hose nozzle on shower and low to the ground while watering it myself. Does that make me the sprinkler? I have been known to carry water in buckets to the grapes, and potatoes planted in buckets.
What I have learned:
Pay better attention to the lack of rainfall and water the raspberry plants quicker. I pruned the black raspberries, but not set up ropes or wires to keep the plants in check. Picking would be considerable faster and easier if I had.
I tried planting candy onions in between the rows of garlic, but that did not work out well. The garlic grew much faster blocking the sunlight to the garlic or perhaps the onions needed moisture at the time when garlic did not. What ever the cause I will not try this next year, unless I plant the garlic much farther apart. I found it hard to stay off the onions when harvesting the garlic as close as they were planted.
Going Forward
I have shared the highlights of life on CG Heartbeats Farm in the month of July. For the month of August I plan to share a weekly blog post of daily diary entries of what my life has been. I strive to be open with this. You may or may not agree with it all and at times farm life is not rosey. But if you like the truth, you will appreciate my honestly. I am completely open to your thoughts on the format and opinions. I look forward to hearing any questions you may have.