Picking up from where I left off last week. If you recall, I had been up late to catch Prince Charming. He is a sweetheart, but such a sneaky boy!
Thursday, August 8, 2019
I woke up at 3:30 am. I felt horrible and knew a low sugar level was the cause. I grabbed candy I keep near the bed and ate 4 to 5 pieces several times until I felt my body begin to no longer feel like I was going to pass out. Next time I was coherently awake was 10 am. My head hurt. But nothing like when I had a Traumatic Brain Injury. That headache hurt on a whole different level. Now I have to stop and pay attention to notice a head ache. I ached. A combination of a short night and bad sugar low told me I would have a slow day today. After caring for animals, I headed into town to work online. I noticed Sage had stayed in her dog house each time I had looked her way and when I checked on her she lifted her head. Sage, a blue healer and terrier mix, at 18 years old would not be with me much longer. I prepared for taking her in the following day to end her suffering.
Friday, August 9, 2019
The dreaded chore awaited me the following morning. I took her water and she drank. As the day progressed, I processed if this was the best thing to do. I struggle with these decisions. Once done they cannot be undone. I value human life and that of animals as well. I took care to spend time praying for others, my decision and praising God throughout the morning. I have been nose to the grindstone, but this morning I sat and watched inspirational messages and teachings from the Bible. I gathered emotional strength. Making sure all the chickens had water I had 2 tasks at hand: picking up chicken and horse feed, which for some reason I do not enjoy, and the final decision about Sage. I noticed it looked like she had vomited. To give you her history, she has had a mass under her belly for 4 years and up until 2 days ago has had normal body functions, eating and drinking. When I seen she had vomited I knew it was time. Making the appointment I teared up a little. In less than an hour she was no longer suffering. I drove her home and I took off to pick up chicken feed.
I write this and still will be unloading chicken feed and doing PM chores. I know Brian will be helping me say the final good byes to Sage this evening. I want to share a bit about her as she brought much joy and laughter to my life. The first time I met her she barked at me when I left as if to tell me, don’t leave me here. I suppose the telling of Sage will be another blog post in the future cause as I think about my memories of her, I see 1000 words in my mind. She was about as bossy as a dog could be, and had a mind of her own. I was right there by her petting her head and talking to her. It was about as peaceful as it could be.

I believe the Lord has shown me that I have created a habit of avoiding or ignoring painful or uncomfortable situations. Today I faced it head on, even if I took 6 hours to prepare.
It wouldn’t hurt as bad if I did not love as deeply.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Off to Culver Farmer’s Market where I sold eggs and garlic. Here I had several wonderful conversations with friends and market patrons. At the close of market, I hurried on to have a late lunch with family. I felt wore out emotionally. I grieved noticing how Sage did not bark at me. I heard her bossy bark in my head. Prince Charming escaped Saturday evening again as I headed out to do late chores. I had been resting reading, Betty Zane, a good part of the evening. I decided to sit out on the porch and read waiting for Prince Charming to show himself and be caught. At first, I felt frustrated and angry, a product of my grieving process, but as I sat out in the night air, my heart began to feel peaceful. I enjoyed the story about Betty a frontier girl living along the Ohio river. Her settlement was the first in the area. The story, written in the 1920’s and based on diary entries from the 1700’s of her brothers. Zane Grey, a descendant of the Zane family authored the story surrounding her historic act. As I understand in the town of Wheeling, West Virginia there stands a monument commemorating the siege of Fort Henry September 1782. This book was one of several that I picked up at the Culver Farmer’s Market. Reading stories of heroes who settled our country revives the pioneer/homestead spirit in me.

Sunday, August 11, 2019
A longed-for day of rest, which is what I did, while caring for the animals of course. A late evening visit at friends, where I took a quick picture of a couple of the pullets, she has from CG Heartbeats Farm stock. After catching up I watched her husband ride one of her horses tracking the hot heels. Hot heels are a training/practice tool for rope horses. They are usually pulled by a 4-wheeler and imitate a roping steer. Monday morning as I write this, I again feel a longing to ride. My work awaits to be completed first.

Monday, August 12, 2019
A hot, humid day with rain in the forecast, but it was after noon, evening and overnight until we happily received 3/4ths of an inch of rain. I feel deeply thankful for the rain. I felt super excited to find a Silver-Gray Dorking hen (with a red tag) sitting on the eggs this morning. To this point, I am always excited for a broody hen. They make my life easier as I have shared.

I moved chicks and grow-outs that are living in tanks outside in cages and began the process of cleaning the tanks. I first drag to the manure pile and dump, next drag to the side of the chicken barn where I spray out with the hose. This part of the process looks different each time. It varies how long I soak the tanks, if I use apple cider vinegar to clean, or if I scrub them with a brush. When they are clean, I drag them near-by, tip on their side, leaving them until they dry. If I don’t want to use them right away, I store them tipped upside down. I drag them back into the barn when I use them. On occasion I will have someone help me carry them which is much easier. Usually as I am solo, I drag them. These are plastic 100-gallon stock tanks and not terribly heavy. My cell phone was on the verge of complete shutdown due is age of 6 to 8 years. At times the screen would go white and I could see nothing. The evening was spent shopping for a new phone. I did finally against by wishes, end up with a smart phone. This is my first. I suppose it will have its benefits, but I like a phone to be a phone…
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Caring for animals, prepping for the evening market, and working on a blog post took up most of my day.
I thoroughly enjoyed Culver Market chatting with other vendors and friends. I gathered the remaining information I needed to complete the upcoming blog post on this market. Look for it to post on the coming Monday.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
This day has been an almost repeat of yesterday in the fact that I cared for animals, worked on a blog post and prepared for market. Feeling tired, I tried to stay focused on only what I needed to do. Do you have days like that? As drove into Bremen, I was watching the sky (and the radar). It sure looked like we were going to get hit with rain. I opted to wait to set until it past. The rain took its sweet time and it was almost 5 pm before I set up my table. People started trickling in. Tonight was FREE cupcake night for school students. I am certain all were given away. A cooler air settled in for the night. Upon arriving home, I seen we had been given ½ inch of rain. I feel blessed to have 1 ¼ inch of rain this week. The ground has been getting pretty dry and now I will be relieved of the duty of watering garden and pots. I had just settled into bed when I heard the chickens carrying on. NOW WHAT?!? I felt tired!!!! Dressed and armed out I went to see what was going on…. OH, the pen that has been eating their eggs, had laid an egg and had started to eat it. To tell the truth, I felt relieved, a bit happy and my rather irritated attitude left. I felt like laughing. I could to back to bed and sleep with no worries of a predator tonight.
A quick word to chickens eating eggs: based on my observations, this act lasts for a season and then seems to resolve itself. I am not fond of it, but I have yet to have a hen that does not stop such behavior on her own over time.
Wow, this ends the 2nd week of August. Did you read the first week? Thank you for sharing in this journey via my diary entries.