About Metechi GarlicMetechi, a hard neck garlic, is planted in soil before the ground freezes. The bulbs are made up of 5 to 7 cloves and average 1 inch tall by 1.25 – 1.5 inches in diameter. They present a marbled purple stripe.
Price is per bulb. A single clove when properly planted develops into a bulb. The larger the clove, the larger a bulb will grow. Due to growing conditions, outcomes are not guaranteed and may vary.
Metechi garlic is considered on the ‘hot’ side. It almost tastes sweet but leaves a lingering burn.
Metechi grows in warmer climates as well as cold. It also averages a longer storage period.
When pressed Metechi seems to produce slightly more oil compared to other varieties produced here at CG Heartbeats Farm. It has become my go to variety choice for mixing with Parasite Formula (feeding to the goats) for this reason. 
The seeds of Metechi garlic measure an average of 1/4 inch in diameter. You will only produce them if you do not remove the scape from the garlic plant. Metechi seeds carry a mild garlic flavor. If you do produce them, they will make a fun, tasty addition to soups, salads and any dishes you would add garlic to.
I have found garlic I have grown does best when planted above a sandy sub-soil giving it a well-drained environment.
Please Note the Following:
Garlic scapes, the top part of the stalk, generally appears in May and when removed promote larger bulbs. The scapes make a delicious pesto, top off a salad or casserole, or an addition to scrambled eggs. Choosing to leave the scapes may result in smaller bulbs. You might want to leave some scapes and remove some scapes to get the best of both worlds. Learn how to use scapes by clicking on this link: Garlic: Year 3 – A Country Girl’s Heart -Beats that Matter
Garlic ‘seeds’ can be planted but require 2 growing seasons to produce a bulb. Planting cloves will produce a larger bulb in a shorter time frame (1 growing season: fall to mid-summer).
To read more about growing and using garlic click one of the links below:
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