A 26 page printable Workbook
Learn what chicken breed is right for you. Find out what age is best for you to purchase. If you decide to hatch eggs, discover what items are needed and learn what to look for in a hatching eggs supplier.
Section 1: Deciding On a Chicken Breed (updated info)
Section 2: What Age of Chicken is Right for You
Section 3: 3 Items Needed to Hatch Chicken Eggs
Bonus: What to Look for in a Hatching Egg Supplier

Find out what you need to hatch eggs and types of places that sell hatching eggs.

Discover the best incubator features for you and decide which ones you don’t want to hatch with.

Learn what componets make up a brooder.
Each section includes a worksheet to document your research and ideas.

Plan Your Hatch Do you plan to hatch chicken eggs this year and are unsure how to get started? Are you picking out chickens and want to learn what age is best for you? . After, deciding on the best chicken breeds and age for you, learn about different features of incubators, and hatching eggs that are best for you. Take a brief look at how you will house your chicks once they hatch. A bonus section of what to look for in a hatching egg supplier. Each section of this 26 page printable includes a hands-on worksheet to help you narrow down your choices.
- You want guidence to discover the best breed and age of chicken that is right for you
- You want to learn the 3 items needed to hatch chicken eggs
- You want to uncover 4 places to acquire hatching eggs
- Find out 4 questions to ask before purchasing hatching eggs
- Anyone who has already decided to hatch their own chicken eggs
- Anyone who has hatched mulitple times
- Anyone who knows what breed and age of chicken they want Anyone who knows what to expect when purchasing hatching eggs
Bonus!! What to look for in a Hatching Egg supplier
Learn what questions to ask and what to expect when recieving hatching eggs

Meet the Author: Maria grew up in southern Michigan on a dirt road and now resides with her husband in northern Indiana. Here she enjoys caring for her animals, (dogs, horses, cats, chickens, and hopefully in the near future a cow), spending time with family, playing her fiddle, singing on occasion with her Mom. After 30 + years working with horses, she has shifted her attention to creating a homestead lifestyle. A part of this change has included raising 3 heritage chicken breeds. Her passion for animals and babies of any kind drew her to hatching chicks. She grew up caring for goats and helping them deliver, worked caring for foaling mares, and now has directed her passion for new life to the miracle of a baby chicks and other homesteading activities.
Copyright 2019 © CG Heartbeats Farm