Before I share a CG Heartbeat Farm update for the Spring 2021 season, I want to celebrate what has been accomplished in the first 3 months of 2021.
Winter Progress
Another recent milestone involves the chickens. Yesterday and today the first chicks hatched from what I am currently calling Crossbred pen # 2. Right now 5 pretty brown eggs have produced a baby chick and the 6th egg is pipped.
All 6 eggs I incubated were fertile. Peering through the incubator, I do not see 100% consistency in color as I hoped for. But it is a project and I cannot expect perfection in only the 3rd generation. I have 9 additional eggs incubating from Crossbred pen # 2 in another Janoel 12 incubator. Again all 9 were fertile. This is 100% fertility in the 15 incubated eggs.
Crossbred pen # 1 has started laying. They are laying a cream colored egg. I will be setting their eggs in the next hatch. I am considering offering (hatching) eggs for purchase from the Crossbred pens this year. If you are interested be sure to send me a message.
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
For months I have been ‘goat shopping’, asking questions, visited places in person and conducted lots of searches online. In the last 3 months I put deposits on 5 kids which are still at their respective farms, but I have created a web page to introduce them with pictures.
These 2 have since moved on to my sister. I sure have enjoyed them while they stayed here.
Honey and her sister made the trip to CG Heartbeats Farm in March. At 8 week old Nigerian Dwarf doelings brought me joy watching them, caring for them and sometimes they even come cuddle by me when I am sitting with them. At least one of them are headed to my sisters later this year, but for now I am enjoying them.
Garden are a bit slow this time of year, but made small process by adding another post to the grapes. Now I am able to put up a trellis for the largest grape vine getting it up off the ground. I pruned off a few unwanted pieces in February. One of the 8 is doing fanomible growing roots and leafing out in a jar of water. The other 7 have hope but are not are far along.
I added wood chips left from chopping wood this winter to one of the garlic gardens. My heart feels satisfied when implementing sustainable practices. The other 2 garlic gardens will only be getting chaff added. I ran out of wood chips after covering one garlic garden.
I found this amazing deal on a hand push cultivator in near new condition. Excited to have it, I used it the day I brought it home.
Spring 2021 Goals
Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Actually bringing 5 Nigerian Dwarf goats home I have made a deposit on. There are 2 bucks and 3 does. Be sure to check out the Nigerian Dwarf web page for pictures. Pedigree information will be added in the future.
I want to continue my Crossbred project by hatching eggs from both pen crossbred pen # 1 and # 2.
I may add Silver Gray Dorking chicks from another farm.
Al the outside pens will be moved to give the outside chickens fresh ground. The space they were at will be additional garden space for 2021.
Aneta has matured and is going to be in training learning to guard the goats. She has shown an interest in them after her initial shock at the strange creature in the barn.
Cider is on notice to expect to spend time with me. I have missed riding lately. All the horses have been sitting for 2 years. She happens to be the shortest in height, thus the least distance to fall. I am pretty sure even though she has the least training she will be the safest as long as I take slow steps in her training.
Construction Projects
New animals here at CG Heartbeats Farm means new pens, fences, and shelters are needed. I am currently tossing around the ideas with Brian. To be honest, we are currently in the planning stages. It will be later in the year until any construction takes place.
Gardens for Spring 2021
I plan to rent a tiller this year for a few hours to work the ground where the 2 new garden spaces are. Both were home to the outside chicken pens and the soil becomes packed down. I like to till the soil well one time before the first planting. After a garden has been used one year I found I can manage new unwanted growth with non-motorized hand tools.
I am excited to be planting seeds I saved from last years harvest. Included are Toyko Green Cucumbers, Glass Gem Popcorn, Kentucky Red Peanuts, Heirloom tomatoes, Lincoln peas, Sorghum, Marigolds, and various herbs.
I will be planting other seeds as well, many which are heirloom seeds too.
Fall 2020 comes to an end as I finish up this post. I want to share quarterly progress on CG Heartbeats Farm and future goals with those who like to keep up with the happenings here.
Progress as of Fall 2020
New Garlic Varieties
I picked out 2 new garlic varieties to add to CG Heartbeats Farm this fall from Keene Garlic out of Wisconsin. This coming year, I may have Metechi and Majestic garlic, the new varities, available, based on the amount I save back for seed from the 2021 crop.
Chicken Barn
My parents came a few times this fall for farm work days. We cleaned chicken pens as one of our projects. I find satisfaction in keeping the floor swept indicating a shift in my perspective of my homestead lifestyle.
I notice a confident feeling which has not come easy based on the adjustments I have made over the last few years. All the new projects bring inevitable error as I learn. These have often left me questioning my abilities and, at times, lacking a sense of pride in my daily tasks.
Moved Pullets and Roosters
I moved pullets I raised to replace or add to current pens. You will find new pullets in Pen 8 and Pen 5. I also replaced Rapheal in Pen 6, Shoshone in Pen 5 and Larry in Pen 1.
I will be updating these pages with pictures of the new additions to the above mentioned pens. Be sure to subscribe to CG Heartbeats Farm email list using the form below to learn more about the chickens at CG Heartbeats Farm.
I am cheering to have finally removed all of the dead plants from the summer gardens. I used much of the cleared garden space to plant 720 garlic cloves, carrots, and onions. Now onto planning for 2021 gardens.
Set up Bird Feeder
I was gifted a bird feeder and have set it up for winter use. I also added 2 stakes with hooks to display items yet to be decided.
The Container Garden
I added additional dirt to the container garden as I harvested the Sweet Potatoes. I want to create a small hoop and cover this area with plastic. To start plants earlier in the spring.
Tokyo Green Cucumbers
One of my biggest garden surprises this year was the amount of cucumbers produced from only 2 Tokyo Green Cucumber plants. I did not actually count the number of cucumbers harvested, but I canned over 30 pints of both Dill Pickles and Bread and Butter Pickles.
My other big surprise was my fun I had the day I harvested the Sorghum. The smooth feeling of the seed attached to the tassel left me happy. Check out the pretty bouquets I quickly put together. I look forward to adding colorful Sorghum to future creations, as well.
The pretty flax plants and flowers were enjoyable to view, and I discovered the chickens enjoy eating flax. Flax also adds beauty to a bouquet.
Glass Gem Popcorn
Glass Gem popcorn is always fun to grow for the variety of colors on each cob. Of course, it is fun to eat too. This year the neighboring farmers planted soybeans so I could save seeds for future planting seasons.
Kentucky Red Peanuts
Another plant I enjoyed growing was the Kentucky Red Peanuts. They are currently await processing to actually eat. I need to conduct a bit of research to learn how I want to process them (decisions) and if I will be using processed or un processed for planting next years crop. My guess is to plant unprocessed, but I welcome any thoughts or experience you can share in the comments below.
I was excited my Dad put in a post for me on one of our work days. I will need to add one or two additional posts and wire of some kind for the grapes to vine on. The grapes are another one of my ongoing projects.
I will be pruning vines and starting new grape plants to add to my current (small) arbor.
Move Chicken Pens
In the fall and spring, I move the outdoor chicken pens to new ground. This bare ground from where the chickens lived provides additional garden space. I happily added 2 new outdoor pens this past year bringing the total to 6 pens. The space in which I set the pens is approximately 36 feet by 10 feet.
I will need to decide where I want my next garden area(s) to be established. Currently many of the chickens are living in the main barn in their pens waiting for me to move their pens next week.
I look forward to seeing them on fresh ground and enjoying the remainder of last summer’s grass.
Plant Winter Onions
I have one variety of onions I want to try over winter. They will make early, delicious green onions.
Rooster Harvest
I took 5 roosters in for processing. One is 50 % Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner and 50 % Swedish Flower Hen. The other 4 are Swedish Flower Hen roosters. They will provide a means to create healthy bone broth and food to eat.
Create with Sorghum
I want to add sorghum to grapevine wreaths along with other natural wild vegetation found here at CG Heartbeats Farm.
The task of removing the Sorghum seeds from the tassel I have found to be time consuming. Do you have any ideas on how to remove them? Or how you would use Sorghum in a craft project?
I have made a couple beautiful bouquets.
I took part in a Wreath Tour on Instagram. Here I found inspiration and encouragement for my grapevine wreaths. I would like to craft a few more before the snow flies.
Further my Education and Experience of Training LDG
One fine fall day the fact Aneta has hit her adolescent behavior stared me right in the face. She wears her emotions, her aggravation, fear, and a silly look of crazy adventure plainly for me to observe. Oh, I know just the look. I might have felt the way she looks once or twice in my life.
On this pleasant day, I had already called her back from clearing the woods of a deer she seen. I observed an expression of delight combined with a desire I was unsure of, but soon learned.
She took off into the woods again. I could not see what she was after this time. I followed as best I could calling her name. Through the brush I briefly made out her standing on the edge of the road. “Aneta,” I called again. Nope she was out of sight.
By the time I made it to the road she was no where to be seen. To read more about this adventure with Aneta click below.
In short, I realized a need to become better educated so I may improve my ability to teach and communicate with her. I take responsibility for her success. She is an intelligent pup who has a desire to please.
I found a 4 Facebook groups on training LDG and joined. I started reading to further educate myself. Until I have long term plan, my short term plan is she stays on a leash and we go for walks. I will teach her the command to heel. Further working with her on sit and stay. As she improves on a short leash, I will graduate her to a 20 foot lunge line to test her ability to follow my commands.
In the mean time I am going to educate myself, learning all I can. After all, isn’t that what a leader does.
Move Tree Seedlings
We have several oak tree and crab apple tree seedlings I would like to replant on our property.
Set up Incubation Station
I have an idea for an incubation station to store egg incubators, tools and a place to hatch in the cooler months. It is a vision still developing in my mind and subject to change.
Purchase a Tiller
I am looking for a tiller to add to CG Heartbeats Farm. I intend to continue companion gardening, but would like to till the ground once when I first start using a garden. Once the ground has been worked one time planting stays quite easy.
The pasture fences seem to be an ongoing project that takes a back seat to other projects of late. New fence construction, weed and brush removal along old fence lines, and replacing posts all await attention.
Update Breed Pages
I am in the process of updating breed and pen pages. In 2020, I lost a couple of my favorite roosters. It is a part of animals, but I am always sad and dissappointed to loose any animal under my care.
In short, I have replaced Raphel with one of his sons. I found him dead one day. I am unsure the cause. He had appeared healthy prior. The plan was to replace him eventually as a way to breed away from the sprig he presented.
I was most disappointed to find Shoshone had died one day. He had sustained a wound earlier in the summer but seemed to be recovering. Unfortunately, I did not have one of his sons to replace him so for now the new rooster, who hatched from Pen 10, pictured below will attempt to fill his role. I may change roosters for Pen 5 down the road.
I also added two new pullets to Pen 5 who hatched this year from Pen 2.
Pen 11
I created Swedish Flower Hen Pen 11 using pullets from Cherokee’s pen with a rooster from Pawnee’s (Pen 10) I call him Shawnee. They recently started laying eggs I am excited to set eggs from a complete blue based pen for the first time. You may read more about these parings using the link below.
As Fall 2020 comes to an end, my remining days of this year will be spent preparing and planning for 2021, enjoying the holiday season, overseeing the 3 incubators filled with 35 eggs, and counting my blessings from 2020. Look for a post sharing my goals for winter and 2021 in the coming weeks.
As I wrote the seasonal farm update, I found a few additional words relevant to the current world crisis. I share a little of this past weeks emotional struggle and growth.
Looking ahead to the coming three months, I see uncertainties. Wondering how long self-isolation will be suggested. What changes will be in places after this is over? Will it be over in the next 3 months? How will income be impacted in the coming months and years? Will I be infected, if so, will I be one that can not fight it off since statistically I am in a at risk group? These questions stem from fear of the unknown, I believe.
Here are a few other questions I am asking myself as I think further. How am I able to help others during this time? What seeds do I need to plant now to best serve my local community? What is the best way to connect with those in need of food and resources that I am able to offer? What are the best resources I am able to offer? How do I connect with others who need the information and may not be local? What shifts do I need to make to accommodate the fact my spouse does not get up and go to work every day? What does the Lord want me to do with my resources during this pandemic to serve His purposes?
All these questions float around in my head daily or some version of them. What follows is a list of my human ideas that I hope become seeds themselves as I look for ways to answer the above questions in the coming months. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts using the form below. I will share the form again at the end of this post.
Seeds from Baker Creek
Baker Creek Seeds generously allowed me to choose 10 seed packs last fall. I am going to plant and document their planting, growing, and harvesting progress. What ten did I pick?
Be sure to subscribe to CG Heartbeats newsletter so you do not miss a blog post when I share my experience planting and growing these seeds. There are a few cool freebies available when you do.
Planting Indoor Seeds
I sorted through my seed packets choosing which need to be started indoors and which will be sown directly outdoors. Most of what I want to start indoors are herbs.
Planting Outdoor Seeds
It is too early based on the average last frost date in northern Indiana, to plant seeds outdoors. My indoor ‘greenhouse’ space is limited. I am about 6 weeks away from the middle of May which is the recommended time to plant in our area.
Garden Spaces
I feel super blessed and excited to know I have additional garden space to begin the growing season this year. Close to 3 times last year space along with 3 times as much garlic planted as I planted last year.
This year you have the option of ordering garlic online.
Grape Plants
I intend to prune a fledgling grape vine, using those cutting to produce additional plants. The time has arrived to install a trellis to support the growing vines. Heartbeats Farm has 5 total grape plants started. I lost 2 last year and added 2.
Garlic and Wood Chips
I may not have enough wood chips from the wood shed area to cover all the garlic gardens. If not, I guess I will be pulling more weeds in the coming months.
You will be able to order garlic and have it shipped to you this year. It will ship in September and October. Here is the link to one of the varieties I have set up now.
Container Garden Area
The designated container garden area needs grooming in the worst way. Additional containers will provide space to plant seeds. I think a few of the seed varieties from Baker Creek will be a good fit for the container garden area.
I would like to create at least on covered container garden, but that project is still in the works.
Pruning Black Raspberries
The time of year has arrived when the Black Raspberries need pruning. Want a FREE printable on how to prune Black Raspberries, click below.
Do you want to learn how to prune your Black Raspberries? Get your FREE printable of How to Prune Black Raspberries today!
An Online Farmers Market
At least one local farmers market I have attended in the past now offers an online buying option with a local pick up time. I like the idea of a shorter window to be available for folks. It will better utilize my time, but it sadly will take away from a customers ability to pick out their products and limit customer conversations. In this current situation, not a bad thing, but that is one of the best parts about the market, personal conversations.
Chicken Pens
Tis the season to once again relocate the outdoor, semi-portable chicken pens. Once again, they will be providing a valuable service of killing off the sod to create garden space while enjoying life outdoors.
Cutting Scrub Trees
I do my best to stay away from using roundup. At the same time, I have not done the best job of keeping new grow removed in various areas. The result has been unwanted trees growing. It is once again time to remove them. We worked on this last fall, but did not get them all. With Brian off work, this is an excellent time to tackle this job.
Being completely honest here, I struggle to gather thoughts and words to describe what plans I want to formulate for the coming months, based on the unknowns I mentioned in the first and second paragraph of this post. I believe there is potential with our current world events to step up and make a difference. I daily pray over where He is calling me to do to serve.
Emotions Take 2
I took the last 2 days to first, rant at my husband (that did not last 2 days), followed by (yes 2 whole days) of prayer, praise, and soul searching. I spent time working outdoors soaking up sunshine (see the link below on Instagram). I sat by the campfire last night and relaxed more than I have in weeks. I finally found peace in my heart and words to share a good part of what I was thinking with my spouse this afternoon.
Amazing to me is the fact that I purchased a book last summer titled Joy in the Midst. An 8-week Bible study on Philippians that I started in January. I like to take my time with my studies and soak in the truths I am learning. Right now, I am looking at how to handle conflict the way God intended. I peeked ahead to the coming days. Why was I surprised the lessons looked at worry? I need to study this right now in the middle of the struggle.
I did not orchestrate or plan this, but I am thankful for it. I have carried a belief for the last 3 to 4 weeks a few layers deep from all my surface thoughts. A belief that there is opportunity happening all around me. I need to be looking for it and responding when I see it. Opportunity to help others, to grow personally and grow my tiny little business. Opportunity to shift my way of thinking, opportunities to let go and create space for new. I do not know what they all are, but I do not want to be full of worry and uncertainness missing out on the possibilities.
On a practical note, I took a look around me as I spent time outside. I took mental inventory of the available resources. Here are additional updates I may make in the coming months.
Providing Locally Raised Food
A roadside stand to sell produce, eggs and perhaps a few crafts may meet the needs of a local market. An online store with local pickup may be another option. At least one local farmers market has already made this shift.
Logging out the Woods
Finding ways to bring in unconventional income in the coming months. This would provide an additional one-time income.
Current Conclusion
In closing, I do not need to look far and see the abundance of ways to be thankful. First and foremost, I am thankful for the work of the Word of God in my life. The growth and opportunity might not be obvious if I allow my thoughts to dart back and forth in worry. However, that deep seated belief keeps pushing up like a planted seed, opportunity awaits.
The first day of Spring came and went with out a thought in
my brain that I should write a post about winter accomplishments and progress
and a second post sharing the goals here at CG Heartbeats Farm for spring. I enjoy
looing back to find encouragement and I get excited thinking of the next 3
months to work, plant, and all of the beauty that comes with spring.
Hatching Eggs
I set hatching eggs the last week in November and really
have not slowed down since. I plan to stop setting eggs in June. I had a few
hatches that did not go well in terms of numbers. One hatch only resulted in
one chick. I felt disappointed, but I learned.
Are you interested in Swedish Flower Hen hatching eggs? Send me an email:
I started looking closer at the size of the air pocket as
that can be affected by humidity levels. As I seen a rapid change in the air
pockets, I added a small amount of water to the incubators. My hatch rates
improved. I have since went back to completely dry hatches. I will continue to
do better at monitoring the air pockets of the eggs and humidity in the hatching
For those who follow this blog and have inquired about Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners and Silver Gray Dorkings, no good news, yet. The Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiners hens have not started laying yet. The Silver Gray Dorking eggs remain infertile. I may need to switch out roosters for a younger one. I hate to do that as Rooster Cogburn has developed into a beautiful boy.
In March, the first crested Swedish Flower Hen chicks hatched from Apache’s Pen. I am looking forward to watching them grow. I picked out 4 crested from the 7 chicks and 4 weeks later I was right on. As to whether they are male or female, well I am not as proficient at that.
If you want to learn about the crested pen at CG Heartbeats Farm use the link below:
I worked hard over the last few months to finish writing and setting up a course Chick Hatching Practices, to teach others to hatch chicken eggs. I struggled with a title at first. Hatching chicks does not happen perfectly every time, similar to all ventures in life there is always more to learn. This course teaches the basics with worksheets to help each person meet their personal chicken goals.
Purchase now and receive the E-book, Plan Your Hatch as a bonus.
The course content is already available with additional videos, resources, and printables to be added soon. Begin today!
The material is available now, but I will be adding additional
worksheets, printables and videos to what is already there. A huge benefit to purchasing
Chick Hatching Practices now includes a low price of $19.99 and immediate
access to a Facebook group that allows for space to ask questions of myself and
others taking the course. If you are planning to hatch eggs in the coming weeks
for the first time or know someone who is, check out Chick Hatching Practices for
yourself or share with a friend.
In January I enjoyed the fun of singing with my Mom and Shelia
Mullet at a local Jam. It was a lot of fun to spend time with my Mom while praising
and worshiping the Lord.
Fiddlin’ Around
I came across an old fiddle and zither online that was for sale. It was a bit of a spur of the moment purchase, but I was intrigued with the zither and the fiddle seemed to call my name. Turned out the fiddle was ¾ size not a full. My fiddle is a full, but I hope the ¾ size may be easier on my neck and shoulder. Time will tell.
The fiddle has gone for needed repairs, but I am told it is finished and plays nice. I look forward to trying it out myself. In the meantime, I have begun playing my full-sized fiddle again. Practicing describes the activity in a better light. I am in need of a rebuild myself when it comes to playing a fiddle.
Chicken Pens
Our rather mild winter, here in northern Indiana, allowed me to leave chickens in the outdoor pens much of the time. The result? More garden space. I am excited to plan just where I will be planting seeds in regard to shadows, sunlight, soil type, and drainage.
My Dad offered me a pen he no longer used and wanted to get rid of. He even delivered it and helped with the toughest part of setting it up. I am thankful for another pen to kill sod and a place to house chickens outdoors.
As I write this post the garlic is up 3 inches in most
places. Over the last few months, I have kept the hay chaff hauled out of the barn
onto the garlic gardens. I did not get many woodchips out there yet. But there
are more to haul.
Rosie, who turns 25 next month, came through winter. I
debated last fall if she could. Last Saturday, I turned her and Dusty in the
yard to eat a bit of spring grass that has started growing. She took off
galloping. That did my heart good and put a big smile on my face.
South Gate Crossing
My friend Julie from Blooms on 800 and I attended a training (Growing herbs and Patio Plants) put on by Bushel Craft Farm at South Gate Crossing. Ginger was on the list for discussion. I have been wanting to plant ginger since last summer. I had no idea I would end up taking some home to plant.
I learned a bit about growing ginger and we each left with a
start of Ginger and Jerusalem Artichoke.
To date only the Jerusalem Artichoke sports green shoots,
but I gently pulled back the dirt around the ginger finding that it too has
begun growing beneath the surface.
A Changing World
Who know a month ago how rapidly our world would seem different?
We are in the midst of it now. I hope. My days remain relatively the same. I have
chickens to feed, a website to blog on and run, horses, cats and a dog to care
for. I refrain from my occasional neighborly visits for now. I probably check
in with family a little more often.
The green grass is starting to grow and that looks like money in the bank to me. The faster the grass comes in the sooner I need to feed and purchase less hay.
This morning I took a walk in the woods and along the creek.
All is as it should be with spring coming on. There are tiny green plants starting
to emerge on the floor of the woods. Water continues to sing as it flows along.
The birds sang and the raspberries snagged at my cloths as they always do. I
felt peace.
In January I started a workbook study of Philippians titled Joy in the Midst. I am learning and growing although for now it is likely beneath the surface. These past 3 months were good ones and I am thankful for the opportunity to live them.
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