Meet the ADGA registered Nigerian Dwarf Herd at CG Heartbeats Farm. We added Nigerian Dwarf goats here at CG Heartbeats Farm in March of 2021.
Maria grew up caring for Toggenburg goats. She showed goats as a 4H project and a few sanctioned shows. Goats are not a new project for her. Her favorite part has always been the kidding process. The miracle of new life puts a smile in her heart. Read a post written a few years ago sharing thoughts on New Life and Goats.
Roots and Wings: New Life ~ Goats – A Country Girl’s Heart -Beats that Matter (
The herd was clean tested for Johnnes and CAE in the spring of 2022.
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Our deworming program incorporates the Parasite Formula from Land of Havilah Herbals, LLC to reduce chemical usage on CG Heartbeats Farm.
Learn about the 2023 Nigerian Dwarf freshening schedule and reservations by clicking below.
Table of Contents
Herd Sires
De St Jean Farm N Tucker aka Tucker
Purchased from De St Jean Farm as a kid, Tucker is a sweet boy who is growing into himself. His dam presented good udder attachment while not an extremely large. I have enjoyed this buck’s sweet temperament and delighted in his frolicking. Time will tell what he develops into as an adult and how he produces as a sire.
As of March 2022, Tucker is the largest of the 3 bucks here although definitely a Nigerian Dwarf in size.

De St Jean Farm W Whiteknite aka ‘Knight’
Knight was purchased from De St Jean Farm as a kid, he was chosen in part for his wide stance, level topline, strong buck tendencies in presence of mind while still presenting dairy character. As a continual student on pairing of Nigerian Dwarfs, I am excited to learn as I go.
Growing up, I remember being placed lower in a class due to poor udder attachment. Now, I have a thing for good udder attachment. While there is room for improvement in udder capacity, I was pleased with the attachment his dam presented when I was picking him out.
Of course, his beautiful coat pattern did not hurt my feelings either. Knight is bred to Bonney for a late April freshening.

MeadowMist IV Sun Seeker *B aka ‘Sonny’
Dam: Rosasharn BH Cashew ‘Turtle’ is a 5* M. Sire: Woodbridge Farm Invigorated *B About Sonny’s Genetics
Sonny’s sire’s dam Kitty Branch A Violet Rose, a 2* milker, her dam and Sonny’s grand dam CH Woodbridge Farm Scarlet Rose 1* was the 2018 ADGA National Champion
His great grand dam through his sire’s sire won 2 ADGA National Championships. As I understand the only doe with this accomplishment.
The bucks in his pedigree line are*bucks and +*bucks. Use the following link to see pictures and read more about his sire’s genetics:
To see his dam and read about her genetic line use the following link:
I am excited to see his first babies on the ground in May of 2022. I also hope to take him to a few shows this summer.
Sonny brought a sweet personality with him. From day one when I brought him home, he followed me around as if I had raised him myself. He often uses a quiet bleat instead of aloud one. Exception being when he is ‘bucky’.
Sonny and Dixie are expecting the first of their offspring the end of May.

Nigerian Dwarf Does
Listed below in order of age are the registered does of CG Heartbeats Farm. Due to some difficulties experienced with ADGA’s new system some of the papers are still pending. I am waiting for the return of some of the papers.

Dixie Darlin aka ‘Dixie’
Sire: Cedar Lane Buster Dam: Platinum Sky GN Memphis Belle 4*
Her grandmother is a 3 * M Dixie was purchased from De St Jean Farm. Her dam earned her star milk tested in 2021. Dixie is now out of a 4* milker. I hope to milk test her as a first freshener. She has the potential to be a 5 * milking doe pending her results in the future.
Dixie is moon spoted. She was a bottle baby and has the personality to match. She is not shy and has no trouble letting me know what she thinks.
Her first freshening, expected the end of May will also produce Sonny’s first offspring.

Dixie puts a smile on my face even as she gets pushy and attempts to do all she should not. I am looking forward to her first kidding in May of 2022.
Often, I could be found singing ‘Dixie Darling’ to her as she drank her bottle. It came to me one morning and the name stuck.
Bonney Blue aka ‘Bonney’
Sire: Cedar Lane Buster Dam: Flying Fish PY
Bonney Blue presents blue eyes and a black beauty. She was purchased from De St Jean Farm as an 8 week old doeling.
She enjoys frisking around in the yard. Her wide rear stance and apparent pending teat placement has me looking forward to her udder development.
Bonny is bred to Knight for 2022 season and due to deliver the end of April.

Pine Knoll P Ariel aka ‘Ariel’
Sire: Wildwind Farm RIP Poseidon Dam: Twin Willows S Carlotta
Ariel was purchased from Pine Knoll Farm. Her parents Poseidon and ‘Lottie’ both placed reserve grand at Hoosier Classic in their respective years of showing.
Her sire’s sire SG Algedi Farm CK Kintetic Riptide is a +* buck
Ariel is one of the wider does for her height. She is paired with ‘Tucker’ for the 2022 kidding season. Due date is May 1st.

Pine Knoll Good to Go aka ‘Grace‘
Grace is the grand daughter of a 2* Milker and Champion doe through her sire.

Sire: Twin Willows FN Ichiro
Dam: Twin Willows Goodness Gracious
Grace will not be bred until fall of 2022
ERSA Blooming Peaches aka ‘Peaches’
Peaches is moon spotted and she will not be bred until fall of 2022. In the meantime, I certainly do enjoy her joyful personality. She has put a smile on my face many times as she runs and bounces around.
An interesting part of her pedigree: Sonny’s dam is her great grand dam. Here is how. Peaches’s dam, ERSA Acres TTR Buttercup is sired by Meadowmist MT Ticket to Ride *buck. His dam is Rosasharn BH Cashew Turtle 5* (Sonny’s Dam)
Peaches has her own special story. She has has made 2 trips in her short life and been thoroughly enjoyed by those she has encountered.

Peaches at around 3 to 4 weeks old

aka ‘Snowflake’
Purchased as a kid and planning to breed fall of 2022 to Meadowmist V Mia Noble.

CGHB Farm W Bonney Lass aka ‘Lassie’
Born here at CG Heartbeats Farm Lassie and a daughter of Bonney Blue, she inherited her momma’s blue eyes and from her sire (Knight) no horns making Lassie a blue-eyed, polled chamois doe.

Plans are she will be bred late December or early January to Meadowmist V Mia Noble.