Located in north central Indiana, CG Heartbeats Farm wants to thank you for stopping by. Enjoy your visit. We raise 3 heritage chicken breeds and added Nigerian Dwarf goats in the spring of 2021
Table of Contents
Silver Gray Dorking
Swedish Flower Hens
Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner

Silver Gray Dorking, a five toed bird, has existed in some variation for over 2000. years. Writings during the reign of Julius Caesar depicts a five-toed bird. Named in more recent times (last 2 or 3 hundred years) after the town of Dorking, England. They traveled to the United States with the early settlers. I have found the roosters to be……Click to continue reading

The first Swedish Flower Hen birds were first imported into the United States in 2010. These beautiful birds known for their white tipped feathers are primarily an egg laying bird. Click to continue reading

This friendly breed has only been in the United States since 2014. Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner roosters weight may top out at over 10 lbs. They are truly a duel purpose bird as 6 hens have consistently laid anywhere from 1 to 6 eggs since the started laying at around 5-6 months old until going through their first molt. Click to continue reading

Our flock is National Poultry Improvement Program (or NPIP) certified # : 32 – 530.

New in 2021 Nigerian Dwarf Goats
The Nigerian Dwarf goats here at CG Heartbeats Farm are registered and include both champion and milk testing genetic lines. Three does are bred for the spring 2022 kidding season. Each one to a different buck. Click the picture below to learn more.

Click to read more about the foundation herd at CG Heartbeats Farm or click this link:
Want to see the 2023 freshening schedule? Think baby goats. Click below:

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Are you planning to hatch chicken eggs? Check out this 26 page printable guide that takes you through the steps of preparing to hatch chicken eggs.
Do you want to create more of a homestead lifestyle in your life? Would you enjoy fun challenges to help you make those changes? Topics will vary between plants and animals, but be geared toward producing your own food. Join the Facebook Group: Hatching Eggs, Ideas, and Homesteading Practices.

Do you want to learn how to prune your Black Raspberries? Get your FREE printable of How to Prune Black Raspberries today!
Have you been thinking about hatching chicks from your own eggs or having eggs shipped to hatch chicks yourself? Not sure what incubator to choose? Tired of searching all over the internet for info. Add your name on a wait list for an e-course on hatching chicken eggs by clicking here.
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Preserve Stewed Tomatoes
Do you want to preserve your own food?
Learn to preserve your own stewed tomatoes by following this easy to use FREE printable guide.